Welcome to
Jaguar Owners Espana
Promote your Company, Products or Services in this section. For more details :-
Advertising, see an example / idea, we will try and provide exactly what you require. Maybe you have a ready made page that we can just slot in to this section.
JOE Spain is a non fee paying organisation. We will not be charging you to advertise on this site but we would appreciate it if you could make a suitable donation to funds to cover costs with any excess going to our chosen good causes - remember this is to advertise for up to 1 year.The good causes & charities that will benefit from any excess funds raised by the club are currently Cancer Research UK.
Donations can be made via your PayPal account to jaguarspain@outlook.com or you can click the "Donate" button and enter the amount you would like to donate.
This section of the web site is dedicated to the provision of Service and Maintenance to JOE members. Approved mechanics, approved services, parts and accessories providers. Click the section you are interested in.
Any Adverts or promotional material will appear on this site purely at the discretion of The Web Site Manager. Approved adverts or promotional material will be displayed on this site for a period to be agreed between the Advertiser and the Web Site Manager. The good causes & charities that will benefit from any excess funds raised by the club are Cancer Research UK.